It is that time of year when we start looking for gift ideas! If you have a RVer in your life or are a RVer, it can be hard to find the right thing that adds to the journey but not to the limited storage capacity. Here are a few things that we think are […]
Full-Time RVer
11 Top RV Tips from Five Years On the Road
Five years of RVing full-time has taught me a lot. I have seen a lot of this great country. Living in 35 feet of space has taught me a lot about myself and my husband. I have also learned good rules for travel, some of which I often have to relearn. Let me share my […]
Your Best Trip to Savannah
During our first year on the road, we traveled to Savannah to scout it for a BentonDowns photography workshop, but quickly fell in love with this lovely city. Known for its beauty, the architecture and variety of subjects make it a photographer’s destination. It also makes it a destination for anyone who loves history, gardening, […]
Maximize Space in Your RV 
Whether you live full-time, on the weekends or any time in between, you want to maximize the space available in your RV. While some rigs have many drawers and cabinets, most do not have as much as you want. No matter which you have, you still might find it hard to fit all your belongings […]
Why RV? Or is it Why Not?
A few years ago, every company reviewed their mission statement to answer the question – “What was their Why?” This came from business expert, Simon Sinek’s very popular Ted Talk. Suddenly, we were all asking our own personal why question. Now in addition to knowing my purpose and what I wanted to be when I […]