I don’t normally do personal posts here on The Virtual Campground. I leave that writing for my email subscribers, but I wanted to quickly share my experience at Tribe Conference.
The modern RVer can learn a lot from this conference.

Who is Jeff Goins and why should I care?
Jeff Goins is a writer. Seriously. His website is literally called goinswriter.com.
Jeff has a cool relate-to-me story about creating 8 blogs before finally succeeding. He talks about finally telling himself and the world that he was, indeed, a writer. Jeff goes on to say mixed with a lot of hard work and persistence, it was that simple to become a writer.
I somehow ended up on his email list and had been subsequently deleting his emails for months. Sure, I’d click to read one every now and then, and it was always just enough to keep me from hitting the unsubscribe button.
But about a month ago I saw an email of his titled “Tribe Conference.” I was immediately drawn in.
As a “blogger” (gah, why do I hate that word so much?!) I knew all about the importance of finding a tribe.
I quickly learned Tribe Conference is for writers and authors.
It is a two and a half day event; a “gathering of writers, artists, and creatives who want to grow their craft and get the attention their work deserves.” Jeff Goins brings together best-selling authors, world-renown speakers, and case studies from his own writing “tribe.” This is all in an effort to dare the attendee to be bold and take control of their writing career.
As a blogger who had just self-published an ebook with wild success (in her mind), I knew I had to go.
I knew I had much to learn if I wanted my book to keep succeeding and to write other works.
What this has to do with the Modern RVer
So I’ve been doing a ton of research on the “modern RVer” over the past year.
I’ve watched hours upon hours of videos. Many nights were spent scrolling through countless blogs and holding one-on-one conversations via Facebook Messenger. I’ve studied data to discover trends and asked so many questions I can’t remember them all.
I have fully immersed myself in the new RVing culture in an effort to understand it and the people in it. That’s how I’ve created The Virtual Campground. That’s how I got the idea for Tales From the Black Tank.
So when I went to Tribe Conference I was looking for answers for not only myself, but for you. The modern RVer. The RVer that still has to work. The RVer that gets out of bed in the morning, snaps an Instagram picture for the day with the hashtags #morningview and #isntlifegreat, then burrows into their makeshift office to do client work all day.
And here is what I am bringing back to you: The Three Rules of Tribe Conference.
Be brave.
Well, if you’ve been following along with me the last 10 months, you know I’ve pretty much got this one covered.
When I arrived at Tribe, the first thing I did was walk straight up to Jeff Goins and tell him exactly who I was and how I had arrived at that very spot standing in front of him. He probably thought I was a wanker, but my intention was to be remembered.
And by the time I said goodbye on the 3rd day, I’m pretty sure I’m one attendee he is going to remember.

I’m also pretty sure you’re brave, too.
After all, you moved your whole life into an RV. And you did this on purpose!
Never forget this fact.
Do you need to reach out to a company for a sponsorship? Be brave. Want to try something new in your career? Be brave. Meeting up with new people in the campground? Be brave. Miss your old friends and want to call them on the actual phone? BE BRAVE MY BELOVED GYPSY SOUL.
You cannot advance in fear.
Be present.
I hear it so many times from my friends and readers.
How can I travel and enjoy this lifestyle while also trying to build a sustainable, reliable business?
Be present.
At Tribe, Jeff asked we be present. And why shouldn’t he? After all, I’m sure a heck of a lot work went into creating Tribe Conference! I’d want my attendees to be present, too!!
Because I’m a human, this proved difficult at times. My mind wandered to my family. To my website and social media accounts. I thought about dinner and that amazing hotel room with the unlimited hot showers and electricity.
But I willed myself to forget those things. I’d taken all the profits of my book to buy my ticket, and dang it! My money was not going to waste. Not to mention, I also was taking precious time away from my family to be there; I needed to learn much in a little time to make it all worth it.

Being present means maximum productivity.
So if you’re working, work. Get on WordPress and write your post. Take the phone call and close your laptop. Stop distracting yourself and simply do one thing at a time. Give each task the attention it deserves.
And if you’re spending the day enjoying your travels? Take a hike without your phone. Disconnect from it all and just be present. Whomever you’re with (including yourself), give that person the attention they deserve.
Seriously. Your productivity will increase as well as your satisfaction with life.
This point really drove home for me when Crystal Paine of moneysavingmom.com shared her breaking point; she was constantly trying to multitask which only lead to her sucking at everything she was trying.
Being present changed everything for her. It will do the same for you.
Be helpful.
I’ve written about it a few times; how RVers come together easily to create community and help each other out. I seriously love that about RVing.
And what I love about the modern generation is our true desire to be helpful.
It made me think of Lindsay and Dan McKenzie’s new project, Voluntour America. This is a project for the RVer that wants to do more than just explore. Voluntour is a budding resource to link your travels with volunteer opportunities across America.
I feel it’s our duty as modern RVers to be helpful to those in need. We are so blessed to live a lifestyle we choose, to struggle and succeed with our passions. We must reach out and help others on their path to happiness as well.

We’re all in this together.
Thanks Jeff and all those at Tribe Conference.
I learned a lot at Tribe and I’m super glad Jeff put those rules in place. It really set a precedent for the conference, and now my every day life.
How simple that three small requests can make such an impact.
May you strive to be brave, be present, and be helpful.
Your Camp Host,
Liz Wilcox
PS. Here are some awesome pictures of me with some awesome people.

bahahaha Literally laughed at the “making your own soap.” Thanks for stopping by Dick. Sorry to disappoint.
bahahaha Literally laughed at the “making your own soap.” Thanks for stopping by Dick. Sorry to disappoint
Great post Liz. While you were at the Writer’s conference I was at the Elite Blog Academy conference, and had similar thoughts about being brave and trying new things. Additionally, I think finding a tribe is critical to success whether your an RVer, stay at home mom, or entrepreneur. I’m happy that we are each-other’s tribe!
Yes, ditto friend! It is so nice to have a friend with such similar goals, fears, drive, trepidation…all that! You’re the best Camille.
Kind of disappointed that there weren’t more “tribal” elements, after hearing you were going. I wanted to see you washing ideas down by the creek, using force to take your lunch from catering, making your own soap for cleaning lists. But it does look like you found the right bunch of loonies for you.
bahahaha Literally laughed at the “making your own soap.” Thanks for stopping by Dick. Sorry to disappoint.