For the past few months I have been living, breathing, and eating my dream of full-time travel.

In an effort to create my own remote job, I started this site and now work hours upon hours a day on it. I get up at 430 in the morning to work. I work through Chelsea’s 3 hour nap each day (I know, she’s a toddler rock star) and I continue on after she goes to bed. I’ve neglected friendships (sorry Vincent), shamelessly plugged myself anywhere semi-appropriate, and even spent thousands to travel to hear how others are doing it (check out my review of the RV Entrepreneur Summit here) and network with them.
Let’s see. What else?
I’ve developed talks, taken courses on public speaking and live video, made connections with possible sponsors, and developed online courses for my readers in order to help them with their full-time travel dreams, too. And I’m still brainstorming!
But why? Why is full-time travel so important to me?
I get that question a lot. Many do not understand why I am working so hard, putting myself out there for the whole world to see when my life is comfortable as is and I can and do travel on weekends.
The truth is there are so many reasons for my RV-travel obsession, but most of all sporadic travel is not enough for me anymore. I’ve been doing that for years and the wanderlust is only getting stronger, especially now that I have fully immersed myself in the idea of full-time travel.
Here are the top reasons why full-time is an absolute must for me and I will stop at nothing to make my dream a reality.
1. I am pulled to travel.
It feels like a calling and a blessing to travel. I’m not pushing myself to do it, I am being pulled. Full-time travel is an effortless decision to me. It just feels completely natural.

As a girl, the first thing I did when getting a new planner was cross out all the states I’d been to, then subsequently brag to my friends who had never been anywhere. I’d stay awake for 24 hours on those car trips to Montana to visit Grandma. My mom always thought it was because “I just couldn’t sleep in the car” but really? I was too afraid to miss out on any beauty that unfolded before us on the highway. I loved the way the golden grain slowly turned into the gargantuan mountains of the Rockies.
Before 18, I took my first plane trip alone, completely giddy with excitement. My brother and I also successfully navigated from Michigan to Florida with no map.
In 2013, I drove alone with no GPS to 10 new states. Google ain’t got nothin’ on me, boys.
When Ed was in Afghanistan, I took a nearly 3500 mile road trip alone with my 6 month old to the Midwest. In that same year, I traveled with my daughter to Kansas City, Washington D.C., Boston, New York City, Canada, Florida, and Detroit. (Chelsea is a road warrior, my friends.)

2. I want to hear as many stories as I can.
I have two main beliefs in my life.
- Everyone has something to teach you
- Only a fool thinks he has nothing to learn
Listening to other’s tell stories is the best way to learn about the world around you. When a person is kind enough to tell you a story, he is allowing you to look inside a part of him, showing you his past and his truths. Humanity needs this connection.
It is why we love movies so much. Movies give us a chance to see the world through someone else’s eyes. They allow us to practice empathy and expand our worldview. Movies are an all inclusive modern art of storytelling, but I am ready to get back to the basics.
As a storyteller myself, the knowledge gained from creating new and real connections with people, listening to their stories, share their humor and sadness alike…it’s invaluable. And the idea of traveling the country meeting new people, hearing unique stories regularly? Be still my heart! (Corny? Maybe. Do I care? No.)
3. I love watching my daughter explore.
My absolute favorite part of being a parent is watching Chelsea explore her world. I love seeing her wander away from me…
What? Did this crazy lady just say she likes to see her child wander away from her?
Yes! Now if only you’d let me explain.
I love seeing her wander away from me… and just be 100% herself. I have learned so much about my child from just observing her. You see a lot of true character when you just let a child be.

I have learned Chelsea is adventurous by letting her explore all over the playground. I have learned she is a natural problem solver by allowing her to play alone and that she is social and kind by letting her talk to people in public. Learning these things about my daughter brings me the greatest joy.

Have you ever watched those videos of people doing stuff for the first time? Or noticed how people gather around a baby when they try real food for the first time? Why is that? A first experience brings out the most authentic parts of a person. Being stimulated by new things forces a person to process with no filter. Just look at this video of a grandmother trying pop rocks for the first time.
Again, this is enjoyable because we are seeing her most authentic self. It’s an honest experience and we feel connected to the person and the experience. When we start full-time travel, I know I’ll see Chelsea’s most authentic self day after day and I am just so excited!

4. I don’t want to wait until retirement to see the world
Living in an RV park year round really give you a ton of access to a lot of people.
I’ve mostly met snowbirds or people that are now retired and traveling full-time. I’ve heard stories from people who travel but cannot see all they desire. I met a couple in January who are on their last trip this winter due to the wife’s dementia. The two things they all have in common are they believe in my dream of full-time travel and they all say things like “Oh, I wish we would have had the opportunity to work from home and travel when we were young.”
This makes me believe in my dream even more! I don’t want to wait until I’ve given my best years to someone else’s company and dreams. Or until my body is tired and I am not as mobile as I once was (because if we’re being honest here, I am already feeling a little slow to get out of bed in the morning, ya feel me?).
I want to travel NOW! NOW when my mind,heart, and soul are aligned in this dream, and NOW when my body is fully capable to climb peaks, swim along the shore, and run towards the horizon! (Alright, I’ll calm down now.)

What draws you to travel?
Is it the same reasons as me? Or is it a desire to see what’s out there? Gain a new perspective? Give your kids a life better than yours?
If you are like me and want to turn your dream of full-time travel into a reality, let’s work together. I will teach you how to take charge of your life, find a way to turn your passion and talents into an income and hit the road! Visit my Work With Me page and sign up today!
I feel ya, girl. You will get there – I’ve no doubt.
I’m antsy about full-time travel, too. Things seem to always take longer to come to fruition than I expect. But if I make myself look back a year, or two, *then* I appreciate where I’m at now. I bet you can relate. Amiright? 😉
Your beliefs and mine are so alike, Liz! I love your beautiful soul. I can relate so much to this post. Society’s guidebook may be the norm, but that does not make it right or the best choice. More people could benefit from gettting back to basics, focusing on people and relationships and embracing who they really are. I hope you reach your dream of monetizing and full-time travel soon! I can’t wait to read along with you.
Yes, back to the basics! I just want a simple life of connecting with people and the earth. That is what appeals to me most about full-time travel.
Love this! Congrats for knowing your dream and having the guts and drive to pursue it! Hubby and I love to travel and dream about doing it full-time someday…..
I am working my butt off but I know it will be worth it in the end. Thanks for cheering me on and I hope you make your dreams come true one day too.
The title absolutely pulled me to read this blog.
I have always been pulled to travel as well. I was fortunate enough to go to France straight out of high school and have seen much of the United States. However, you’re right. We’re not born to pay bills and die. We are born to explore this beautiful world God created for us.
I love the way you phrased that. I cannot wait to one day explore other continents!
And thank you for the compliment on the title. I spend quite a bit of time trying to get the right one for each post.
I love traveling also, but I do believe full-time travel is not for everyone. I love traveling for the new experiences and cultures and the change it brings about inside of me.
Oh for sure! Full timing is not for the faint of heart. It is a lot of constant change and some people do not flourish in that type of environment.
I love how your excitement and passion come through in your writing. We love traveling too. We have to wait until Michael is out of the military but who knows maybe we’ll meet up at a RV park some where.? Please keep sharing your stories and living your dream.
Thank you for the lovely comment, my dear friend. Miss you guys.
This is awesome! You’re awesome and I don’t use that word lightly! I can’t wait to read more of your journey. Wonderful writing. =)
Thanks Valerie. I can’t wait to have more journey! haha
Hi Liz,
Your post reminded me of this passage.
“Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don’t think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn’t stop you from doing anything at all.”
― Richard Feynman
Eray, I really appreciate you sharing this with me. I completely agree with this and will keep it in mind as I go along making this dream come true!
Morning Liz, I completely get all your reasons and though my kids are now grown with kids of their own I sure wish I had known this option (don’t think it was an option) back when they were young. But now, I want -no need, to just go. I have a yearning for new experiences, new people and yes, new foods. We like to eat organic when possible but unfortunately it is not available in the boonies where we currently live and you can FEEL the difference. Organic, at least for us, is the difference between feeling 20 or 60. I very much enjoy your blog and look forward to the next.
Thanks for reading Katie. I hope you can start traveling soon and if you need help figuring out logistics, let me know. I’m happy to help. (and yes, food is important to life and good food is a true blessing.)
I totally agree with you Liz! Seeing my kids explore is one of the best things about traveling and makes me always want more!
Right? It is such an amazing sight to see. I fall so in love with her when I see her experiencing new things.
I want to eat all different kinds of food mainly lol! Also to meet new people and see other cultures.
hahaha! I love that reason. I don’t know how I forgot about the food reason!